středa 3. října 2007

new trends - temps, is it really bad?

Traditional Czech job market is changing. Czech companies are using temps more often. This fact can scare a lot of people, but they don´t need to worry. When the employee is an important worker, the company won´t change him only because it´s more comfortable, the company should take care of him. When the employee is not so important the company has to think about other alternatives because then company could waste time and energy.
The companies need employees, but they need only important and good employees. If they don´t have these employees they couldn´t resist global competition. The result will be that only more people lose jobs. When the good but not important employee loses his job, he could easily work as a temp. And of course the Czech Republic spends a lot of money on new opportunities for job-less people. The more stronger firms we have, the more jobs will be here for all of us. Firms could exist with guarantee of whole-life work, but they couldn´t survive on the global market. Even the Japanese firms are starting using temp.
To sum up using temps is absolutely necessary. The global competition really exist and companies have to accept it and if they don´t accept it they will be smashed. People shouldn´t be scared of using temps, because its natural.

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